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One place available in 1pm group walk Monday to...


Puppy training course starts in April 2016

Dogs & the City warmly invites you to join us on the puppy training course starting in April 2016...


Holiday break

Holiday break! from 11th until 25th od August. In that time I won't perform any training sesion or...

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Linus,Louis and Poppy

Reiko with Linus,Louis and Poppy

Magda looked after my two young male dachshunds and took them out for walks twice a day while I was away. They are quite adventurous b...

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Katherine & Francis with Paco

We were so relieved when Magda took over from our previous dog walker, who had moved from the area. Our dog immediately warmed to her a...

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Mark with Mailo

Magda has been a fantastic dog walker. Extremely reliable and will go out of her way to accommodate and even do extra walks at a second...

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